Embedded Credit
Carver Embedded Credit Programs
English 12 Credit
Dental Assisting
Therapeutic Services
ProStart Restaurant Management and Baking (must take both)
Marketing Management (1/2 year credit)
Transition Math for Seniors Credit
Automotive Technology
Electrical Technician
Emergency and Firefighting Management Services
Art Credit
Graphic Design
3rd Science Credit
Dental Assisting
Therapeutic Services
Natural Resource Management (Ag Science)
Technical Transition Math Credit
Collision Repair Technology
Integrated Production Technology
Description and History of Embedded Credit
Embedded mathematics courses incorporate content standards from one high school course into another host course(s) and allow students to earn credit for both. For example, the embedded mathematics content in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Carpentry concentration allows students to simultaneously earn a mathematics credit for Transition Mathematics for Seniors as they complete the sequence of Carpentry courses.
West Virginia Department of Education Policy 2510 provides embedded credit and fulfillment of required courses for approved CTE courses and/or completion of identified CTE Programs of Study.
Embedded credit is an alternative means to earn high school credit. County boards of education shall provide alternative means for students to earn high school credit which permits a student who masters the approved content standards for credit-bearing high school courses that are embedded within a second course to receive credit for both courses.
The West Virginia legislators provided funding to employ certified Math and Language Arts teachers in all career technical education centers and multi-county centers. These teachers will continue to align the CTE skill sets and state academic College and Career Ready academic standards and work in CTE programs to integrate academic standards into the CTE curriculum. Several programs have embedded credit opportunities for students within the CTE curriculum. Comprehensive professional development is ongoing through the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). SREB Website