Simulated Workplace

Simulated Workplace (SW)

 The West Virginia Department of Education has worked with committee experts from numerous businesses and industries throughout West Virginia to design Simulated Workplace. This new educational initiative has been created to assist schools in implementing workplace environmental protocols that align with West Virginia workforce requirements, including random drug testing, professionalism, attendance, and safety. Simulated Workplace has not only enhanced instructional delivery of career education but has created a more engaged career and technical student. The simulated workplace environment permits students the opportunity to take ownership of their individual performance as it impacts the overall success of their education while thriving in an authentic workplace culture. Simulated Workplace also encourages local business and industry experts to join onsite review teams to assist schools in meeting their workforce needs and expectations. WVDE Simulated Workplace Website.

Vision - Transform the culture of Career Technical Education by creating high-quality business and industry learning environments.
Mission - Provide students an engaging and relevant curriculum with opportunities to earn industrial state and national certifications.
Goal - All Career Technical Education completers are college and career ready.

  • Present curriculum in a relevant and purposeful manner

  • Place business and industry processes directly into Career Technical Education programs

  • Incorporate foundational academic and career-ready skill sets

  • Provide students an understanding of all aspects of an industry or business and how their individual success leads to company profitability

  • Provide each student with an understanding and knowledge of how Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), along with ethics, workplace processes, and behavior are integral skills to successful employment

SW 12 Protocols

Protocol I: Student-Led Companies
Protocol II: Application/Interview Structure
Protocol III: Formal Attendance System
Protocol IV: Drug-Free Work Zones
Protocol V: 6S Environment
Protocol VI: Safe Work Areas
Protocol VII: Workplace Teams
Protocol VIII: Project-Based Learning/Student Engagement
Protocol IX: Company Name and Handbook
Protocol X: Company Meetings
Protocol XI: Onsite Business Review
Protocol XII: Accountability


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